Create Dangerously
- Pris 1100 / 1000
- Sted Oslo
- Startdato 28/08/2023
- Sluttdato 02/09/2023
- Starttidspunkt 11:00
- Sluttidspunkt 17:00
This workshop is designed and led by award-winning actress and playwright Kate Pendry. The course is for stage performers who want to take more risks in creating their own material.
Course Outline
During the first part of the course Pendry will give a presentation of how she became a creative, and the controversies she has faced – particularly with her controversial works about Baneheia, pornography and Vladimir Putin.
The participants will then explore the context of why they choose to create, and what the purpose of professional performing is in an age when everyone is performing online.
The second part of the course will be a deep dive into finding material to write about, culminating in two days of writing/performing sessions. The focus will be on finding the nexus between disciplined writing and acting skill, inventive language, and daring to take risks.
On the final day of the course the participants will give a work in progress-presentation of their new works during the Oslo Fringe Festival.
Place: SALT Art & Music, Langhuset
Get In and Technical: TBA
Show time: September 2nd at 19:00
Workshop expectations/ preparations
This is an intensive 5 day-workshop August 28th – September 1st, with a work in progress-presentation on September 2nd. No preparations prior to workshop, but from day 3 through 5 you have to spend some time writing outside the workshop. Approximately 1 hour per day.
Bring a laptop/notebook, pen/pencil to the workshop.
Language: You choose if you want to work in Norwegian or English. Pendry speaks and teaches in both languages.
Oslo Fringe er en festival som søker å vise fram det beste av ny, norsk scenekunst – i tillegg til internasjonale oppsetninger som har gjort seg bemerket på andre fringe-festivaler ute i verden. Her får du teater, humor, drag, fest, sosialisering, mat og drikke og mye mer.
Medlemmer av Norsk Skuespillerforbund får rabattert pris.