Aitor Basauri (Spania)

Your Inner Fool – Clowning for Performers

  • Pris 3000/2500
  • Sted Bergen
  • Startdato 23/09/2024
  • Sluttdato 27/09/2024
  • Starttidspunkt 11:00
  • Sluttidspunkt 17:00
Søknadsfrist: 1. jun 2024 Earlybird før 1. mai

Kursbeskrivelsen er på engelsk, da kurset arbeidsspråk er engelsk.

Your clown, your inner you, your most authentic personality, the one that you do not even know, is what makes you shine on the stage. Through games and fun we will make that inner beauty to be present in the room.

In this five day intensive, participants will be asked to bring their hearts and imaginations – open, willing, and curious – into a series of games that are designed to shine a light on their most authentic comedic potential. In class, there will be failure: glorious failure, painful failure, bewildering failure, messy failure, boring failure, hysterical failure, risky failure, tearful failure, vibrant failure, hilarious failure, and big, huge flop failure. And sometimes there will be sweet, sweet, gorgeous, poetic, elated success. No matter which, the delicate world of the clown teaches each performer to be courageous, make a generous proposal, risk everything, and embrace their inner fool. Aitor helms the ship with humor, compassion, and deep wisdom. Come play, and discover the gorgeous idiot you didn’t know you were.
The purpose of the workshop is to create a party of clown that last a week, in which celebrating each’s stupidity every performer will go through a personal transformation while they have an amazing time. Aitor is a master teacher, specializing in clown, improvisation, and the creation of original work. He is one of the most sought after clowning teachers in the world. Aitor has a unique talent for pushing his students to be honest and vulnerable, embrace their true comedic potentials, and claim their inner fools.

Nothing to prepare, besides a desire to have fun.

Comfortable clothes. The participants may bring an instrument or a prop that they have a skill with, like joggling balls, hoop, wipe or other.

The workshop instructor will be speaking in English. You are welcome to speak/work in your own language, but basic English skills is required.


Earlybirdpris kr. 2500 når du sender din søknad før 1. mai!

Earlybird price NOK 2500 if you apply before 1st of May!


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