Linklater Voice Method
- Pris 1000/900
- Sted Oslo
- Startdato 20/03/2017
- Sluttdato 21/03/2017
- Starttidspunkt 10:00
- Sluttidspunkt 16:00
A voice workshop with the world renowned voice coach!
What is Linklater Voice?
Also known as Freeing the Natural Voice, it is a clear, step-by-step method by which you can understand and improve your voice for any purpose. Linklater Voice reveals the power and pleasure of using your voice with authenticity and conviction. Join the workshop to learn more about freeing your natural voice — and find your authentic voice and your authentic self!
The overall function of the work is to remove the physical and psychological blocks that inhibit the human vocal instrument. The objective of the work is a voice in direct contact with emotional impulse, shaped by the intellect but not restricted by it. Once the voice is free it can connect viscerally with language, transforming communication and interpretative skills.
The progression of exercises leads from physical awareness (locating tension and releasing it), to awareness of natural breathing, the experience of sound in the body, the release of tension in the throat, jaw, tongue and soft palate, the development of resonating power in the chest, the mouth and the face, the accompanying development of breathing power, the exploration of range throughout two to three octaves of speaking notes and, finally, to articulation.
Be aware that exercises include adapted yoga position, floor relaxation, arm-swings and other physical activities. All these can be adjusted to individual physical needs.