Jeanine Durning (US)

Ravnedans Performance Lab

  • Pris 950
  • Sted Kristiansand
  • Startdato 10/07/2017
  • Sluttdato 13/07/2017
  • Starttidspunkt 12:00
  • Sluttidspunkt 17:00
Søknadsfrist: 1. jun 2017

Ravnedans festival for samtidsdans arrangeres sommeren 2017 for 7. år på rad i Kristiansand.

I denne forbindelse søker festivalen skuespillere og dansere til denne nå så populære labben som skal resultere i en visning på festivalen 13. Juli.

Lab gir mulighet for deg som profesjonell utøver til å fordype deg i et spesifikt arbeid og sammen med andre kollegaer på ulike felt jobbe sammen mot et resultat i form av en kortere visning for et publikum på festivalen.



Doing being/Being doing

This is a creative practice workshop based on my performance and choreographic methodology and practice called nonstopping. We’ll engage various modes of catapulting the creative act and composition of thought, namely through a nonstop circular series of writing, moving and speaking. Through nonstopping, we will sharpen awareness of and attention to the eclectic, idiosyncratic, and often paradoxical nature of our thoughts and actions and how these come to form. This is a practice that potentially brings us closer to understanding and being comfortable with the inherent structures of our thinking, which manifest directly in our actions, behaviors, and communications as well as in our performance choices, compositions and choreographies. Nonstopping creates a state that moves us past our conscious and learned choices and behaviors so that we can deepen our attention to our subterranean thoughts and actions. Through this nonstopping, we will challenge our understanding of composition and structure, our embedded notions of “should” and “should not,” and our relationship to readiness, boredom, preparedness, presence and patterning. All levels, all people, all disciplines welcome. Please just bring your basic, unfiltered desire to move, a willingness to articulate uncensored thought, and an ability to write with a pen or pencil on a piece of paper.


I samarbeid med: