
Simon T. Rann

Creative Storytelling

  • Pris 1850/1750
  • Sted Tromsø
  • Startdato 27/02/2023
  • Sluttdato 02/03/2023
  • Starttidspunkt 10:00
  • Sluttidspunkt 17:00
Søknadsfrist: 29. jan 2023

Kursbeskrivelsen er på engelsk, da kursets arbeidsspråk er engelsk.

This workshop is an exploration of alternative ways to create original theatre through storytelling. It aims to unlock your personal resources in a fun and creative environment, and by working with your memories, your body, your voice and your unique imagination to tell your stories.

Participants will be exposed to a unique understanding of what theatre can be, and will be given tools to creating theatre that arise from the stories and experiences we all already carry inside of ourselves.

A typical day begins with a physical warm-up, followed by some movement work designed to be fun, to break down movement habits and free creativity. Participants will then be asked to dig into their pasts for emotional “souvenirs”. From these souvenirs, the souvenirs of other participants, or a given text, participants either work alone, in pairs or in small groups, and are given specific creative parameters from which to create stories. They will then be asked to present these to each other.
Feedback will be given, and discussions evolve around the objectives of the various exercises throughout the workshop.

Workshop language: English, but it is possible (though less desirable) for participants to speak their native language during the exercises.

Participants should wear comfortable loose fitting clothing that allows freedom of movement, and have paper and pens or pencils to take notes.

Medlemmer i Norsk Skuespillerforbund får redusert kursavgift.


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