Intimacy Direction
- Pris 500 - 2000
- Sted Bergen
- Startdato 14/01/2020
- Sluttdato 17/01/2020
- Starttidspunkt 10:00
- Sluttidspunkt 15:30
It is now possible to join shorter versions of the workshop.
Workshop fees
4 days: 2000/1600 (14.- 17. jan)
2 days: 1200/1000 (14.jan + 15. or 16.jan)
Your choice to join the last day of the workshop January 17th
(viewing of work-in-progress and summary)
Joining first day only (Jan. 14th): 500/250
(Introduction, theory and principals) Open to everyone!
Intimacy For Stage and Screen workshops and the assistance of an Intimacy Director/Choreographer creates better storytelling, and is an important step forwards in supporting actors’ safety and rights.
Intimacy for Stage and Screen is a specific approach to scenes of intimacy. This is not just kissing or sex scenes. The principles can include the intimacy between parents and children, between dear friends, and can also apply to scenes of sexual violence. Intimacy For Stage and Screen is being enthusiastically received as a practice which empowers actors to respect their own boundaries while improving the quality and clarity of scenes of intimacy.
Day One
Learn specific techniques for accessing vulnerability in a dramatic context, resulting in powerful chemistry between characters without compromising personal boundaries. Focus is on subtle and specific details in choreography, and on acting exercises to keep partners connected physically and emotionally. We’ll also discuss Best Practices, and guidelines on how to approach scenework, consent, boundaries, your rights (including union rules), and psychological safety. Performing and nonperforming participants are invited to take part, as this work will be applicable to all areas of theatre and film work.
Day Two
We look at specific scenes to practice the principles learned on Day One, including basic blocking/choreography. Actors will be lead through solo warm-up exercises specific to this work, and guided through a rehearsal process. This will be a day focused on performing participants. Others may be able to attend and observe, depending on the discretion of the performers and instructors.
Day Three
We further develop the work from Day Two, going deeper into character choices and psychological and physical relationships. Others may be able to attend and observe, depending on the discretion of the performers and instructors.
Day Four
Includes a showing of the work from the previous days, for those performers who are interested. Nonperforming participants – directors, choreographers, stage managers, etc – are welcome to attend and take part in the discussion afterward.
Topics Included in the Workshop
- Instant Chemistry: simple acting exercises to facilitate mutual trust and to create chemistry with any scene partner
- The Pillars: guidelines for approaching scenes of Intimacy, including script work, communication of personal boundaries, consent, and other professional etiquette practices
- Your Instrument: psychological safety, physical work and emotional preparation for more effective scenes of intimacy
- The Workplace: Best practices and recommended working conditions, including union rules regarding intimacy and nudity.
How Intimate Will the Physicality be?
Touching (handshakes, handholding, hugging) through guided contact improvisation is part of the course. Kissing is not required. While the goal is to explore emotional and physical intimacy, the core concept of this work is Safety, and the facilitation of safe exploration. All touching is consensual, and participants are always invited to sit out and watch, should they feel uncomfortable or triggered. Intimacy For Stage and Screen has been enthusiastically received as a practice which empowers actors to respect their own boundaries, while improving the quality and clarity of scenes of intimacy.
Language: The workshop will be in both English and Norwegian.
Attendancy: All participants have to attend all four days.
Accomodation: Contact millan@proscen.no for the possibility of a hotel discount.
Members of Proscen, Norsk Filmforbund and Norsk Skuespillerforbund benefit of a discounted price.
The workshop is a collaboration between Proscen – produsentenhet for scenekunst, Vestnorsk Filmsenter, Cornerteateret and Norsk Skuespillersenter.