
  • Pris 950/900
  • Startdato 21/09/2020
  • Sluttdato 25/09/2020
  • Starttidspunkt 10:00
  • Sluttidspunkt 15:00


The Nadine George Voice Work® gives practitioners the opportunity to understand the connection between the voice and the body, improving confidence, physical awareness and a greater understanding and control of the breath. The work is unique, using the sung sound and linking this directly to the body and to work with text. In this workshop the concrete text that will be used is Shakespeare’s Richard lll. 

The workshop will be in English, all though you are free to choose if you would like to work on the text of Richard lll in Norwegian or English. Or if you have another native language your are free to do the text in your own language.

The workshop is not just only to do with the work of the actor, the voice and the text, but to do with the development of the individual. – Nadine George

We will work on breathing work on the floor in two’s and then take the breathing into the space walking and connecting with each other.

Then we will do voice warm up which is based on the four qualities of sound that we will be working on. These sounds are sung in the body. There are two male sounds (low male and high male) and two female sounds (low female and high female).We will sing these sounds together and then speak the four phrases of Shakespeare that link with these sounds, also resonating the speaking voice from the vibration of the sung sound.

Then each person in the workshop will work on one quality of sound each day so that everyone will work on all the qualities of sound.

We will work on the Shakespearean monologues from Richard lll, linking this with the voice work of the morning. We will also go on the floor with the monologues so that we can see how the physical work on the floor links directly with the voice work.

We will follow this structure for four days. On the fifth day we will do breathing work and voice warm up. Then we will spend the rest of the day working on the Shakespearean monologues of Richard lll.

At the end of the day we will have a discussion about the work.

As a participant, you will need to learn the text by heart before the workshop, in Norwegian or English, as preferred.If you decide to do the text in English, you will get the right version from us. If you choose Norwegian, you will have to find the translation yourself. You will also need to learn from the Voice Quality Paper the four phrases of Shakespearean text that correspond to the four qualities of sound in both English and Norwegian before the beginning of the workshop.

The participants should have relaxed cloths for the breathing work and the voice work.
For the text work the women should have a long skirt the men should have trousers and a jacket.

Medlemmer i Norsk Skuespillerforbund får rabattert pris.
